Hey friends,
I want to personally thank you for receiving these email messages. Just over a year ago I set out to share my enthusiasm for budgeting out of pure, nerdy joy and because of how the practice has transformed my life.
I had no idea whether my experiences would resonate with you or anyone else. I was scared to share because I’m self-conscious…I love budgeting, but most people would probably rather die than do it!
So, your response has come as a total surprise to me.
Having worked one-on-one with a dozen clients now, I feel humbled beyond belief. Humbled that they would trust me to coach them around a topic as personal as their finances. Humbled by the transformations I’ve seen them perform. And most especially humbled by the determination and grit they have shown in overcoming every kind of challenge imaginable, from sickness and moving across the country to divorce and unemployment. My clients are my heroes!
I’ve learned that money touches almost every part of our lives.
The practice of budgeting our money can’t prevent tragedy, but it can help downgrade a crisis into an inconvenience. The habits and skills we develop by carefully managing our money contribute to mental, emotional, and spiritual health.
If you couldn't tell, I'm not really a talented marketer, and I often struggle to know what to share with you. I can't imagine ever committing to something like a regular weekly newsletter or anything like that. So trust me when I say I'm grateful for any ounce of attention you've paid or feedback you've contributed.
My hope and my wish for you this holiday season is peace (financial and otherwise 😊).
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, etc.!
📺 Video - How a Steam Locomotive Works. I may not have achieved much on the evening I watched this video, but now I know! I honestly can't believe how much power these engined produce and how elegantly they were designed. The video claims that "you'd need something like 4 modern engines" to pull the same 5-mile train as Union Pacific's "Big Boy" steam locomotive. Incredible.
🎵 Song - "I Built A Friend" by Alec Benjamin (Apple Music | Spotify | YouTube). Mellow and weirdly yet charmingly sentimental.
🎬 Movie - The Death Of Stalin (2017). You will love this movie if you're a fan of satire and/or Soviet history. If you're a fan of both, you will have died and gone to heaven. Otherwise...maybe steer clear of this one.
💸 Revealing our business finances for 2023 - Steve and Tyler get very vulnerable about how much it has cost to start their businesses.
From Building A Second Brain by Tiago Forte. Resurfaced by Readwise.
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